Transparency in computer graphics is possible in a number of . The term "transparency" is used in various ways by different people, but at its simplest there is "full transparency" i.e. something that is completely invisible. Only part of a graphic should be fully transparent, or there would be nothing to see. More complex is "partial transparency" or "translucency" where the effect is achieved that a graphic is partially transparent in the same way as colored glass. Since ultimately a printed page or computer or television screen can only be one color at a point, partial transparency is always simulated at some level by mixing colors. There are many different ways to mix colors, so in some cases transparency is ambiguous.
In addition, transparency is often an "extra" for a graphics format, and some graphics programs will ignore the transparency.
Raster file formats that support transparency include GIF, PNG, , TIFF, TGA and JPEG 2000, through either a transparent color or an alpha channel.
Most vector formats implicitly support transparency because they simply avoid putting any objects at a given point. This includes EPS and . For vector graphics this may not strictly be seen as transparency, but it requires much of the same careful programming as transparency in raster formats.
More complex vector formats may allow transparency combinations between the elements within the graphic, as well as that above. This includes SVG and PDF.
A suitable raster graphics editor shows transparency by a special pattern, e.g. a checkerboard pattern.
One color entry in a single GIF or PNG image's palette can be defined as "transparent" rather than an actual color. This means that when the decoder encounters a pixel with this value, it is rendered in the background color of the part of the screen where the image is placed, also if this varies pixel-by-pixel as in the case of a background .
Applications include:
an image that is not rectangular can be filled to the required rectangle using transparent surroundings; the image can even have holes (e.
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vignette|Comparatif de compression sans perte, jpeg et WebP WebP est un format d' développé et mis à disposition du public par Google. Il exploite un algorithme de compression avec pertes prédictif utilisé pour les du VP8 (qui est le codec vidéo du format WebM) et un conteneur léger et extensible . Google le présente comme mieux adapté que les compresseurs précédents aux processeurs actuels et surtout aux densités de pixels des écrans actuels (110 à 240 ppi).
L'infographie est le domaine de la création d' assistée par ordinateur. Cette activité est liée aux arts graphiques. Les études les plus courantes passent par les écoles publiques ou privées se situant majoritairement en Angleterre, en Belgique, au Canada, en France, et aux États-Unis. Lors de l'introduction du concept dans la langue française vers les années 1970, le terme « infographie » désigne les graphismes produits par ordinateur.
In computing, a bitmap is a mapping from some domain (for example, a range of integers) to bits. It is also called a bit array or bitmap index. As a noun, the term "bitmap" is very often used to refer to a particular bitmapping application: the pix-map, which refers to a map of pixels, where each one may store more than two colors, thus using more than one bit per pixel. In such a case, the domain in question is the array of pixels which constitute a digital graphic output device (a screen or monitor).
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