In computing, a bitmap is a mapping from some domain (for example, a range of integers) to bits. It is also called a bit array or bitmap index. As a noun, the term "bitmap" is very often used to refer to a particular bitmapping application: the pix-map, which refers to a map of pixels, where each one may store more than two colors, thus using more than one bit per pixel. In such a case, the domain in question is the array of pixels which constitute a digital graphic output device (a screen or monitor). In some contexts, the term bitmap implies one bit per pixel, whereas pixmap is used for images with multiple bits per pixel. A bitmap is a type of memory organization or used to store s. The term bitmap comes from the computer programming terminology, meaning just a map of bits, a spatially mapped array of bits. Now, along with pixmap, it commonly refers to the similar concept of a spatially mapped array of pixels. Raster images in general may be referred to as bitmaps or pixmaps, whether synthetic or photographic, in files or memory. Many graphical user interfaces use bitmaps in their built-in graphics subsystems; for example, the Microsoft Windows and OS/2 platforms' GDI subsystem, where the specific format used is the Windows and OS/2 bitmap file format, usually named with the of .BMP (or .DIB for device-independent bitmap). Besides , other file formats that store literal bitmaps include InterLeaved Bitmap (ILBM), Portable Bitmap (PBM), X Bitmap (XBM), and Wireless Application Protocol Bitmap (WBMP). Similarly, most other image file formats, such as JPEG, TIFF, PNG, and GIF, also store bitmap images (as opposed to vector graphics), but they are not usually referred to as bitmaps, since they use formats internally. In typical bitmaps, image pixels are generally stored with a variable number of bits per pixel which identify its color, the color depth. Pixels of 8 bits and fewer can represent either grayscale or indexed color.
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Cours associés (2)
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L'infographie est le domaine de la création d' assistée par ordinateur. Cette activité est liée aux arts graphiques. Les études les plus courantes passent par les écoles publiques ou privées se situant majoritairement en Angleterre, en Belgique, au Canada, en France, et aux États-Unis. Lors de l'introduction du concept dans la langue française vers les années 1970, le terme « infographie » désigne les graphismes produits par ordinateur.
Indexed color
In computing, indexed color is a technique to manage s' colors in a limited fashion, in order to save computer memory and file storage, while speeding up display refresh and file transfers. It is a form of vector quantization compression. When an image is encoded in this way, color information is not directly carried by the image pixel data, but is stored in a separate piece of data called a color lookup table (CLUT) or palette: an array of color specifications. Every element in the array represents a color, indexed by its position within the array.
Le masquage est une opération de logique combinatoire utilisée en informatique et en électronique pour sélectionner dans un groupe de bits un sous-ensemble de bits à conserver, les autres étant forcés à une valeur choisie. L'opération de masquage est réalisée à l'aide d'opérations bit à bit pour agir sur la donnée initiale sans avoir à traiter indépendamment chacun de ses bits. La réalisation de l'opération de masquage se fait en plusieurs temps : le choix de l'opérateur, la construction du masque et son application.
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