Construction Policy seeks to familiarise architecture and engineering students with instruments of policy analysis, evaluation and, eventually, design. This by introducing elements of policy theory, e
Acquérir la connaissance de l'état de l'art dans l'instrumentation bio-médicale. Comprendre la physiologie associée aux techniques de mesures.
Le cours vise à l'acquisition des outils essentiels au projet et à une compréhension de l'architecture comme savoir-faire, pensée, et attitude qui interroge l'inscription des êtres vivants dans leur e
Retracer l'histoire de la pratique de l'improvisation dans la musique savante de la Renaissance à nos jours. Analyser les différents contextes, styles, genres musicaux dans lesquels l'improvisation pr
A house is the simple topic of this studio. A matter of simple complexity. Starting as reference from an architect's drawing and a pavilion; constructing a "space to be". Then making two houses, "a pl
A house is the simple topic of this studio. A matter of simple complexity. Starting as reference from an architect's drawing and a pavillon; constructing a "space to be". Then making two houses, "a pl
The course allows students to learn by doing about the history of science, and the role played by experimentation, technical skills or material objects in the production of knowledge. Students will ex
The course allows students to learn by doing about the history of science, and the role played by experimentation, technical skills or material objects in the production of knowledge. Students will ex
The course covers basic econometric models and methods that are routinely applied to obtain inference results in economic and financial applications.
In this course we study heat transfer (and energy conversion) from a microscopic perspective. First we focus on understanding why classical laws (i.e. Fourier Law) are what they are and what are their