
Cándida Montilla de Medina

Cándida Montilla de Medina is a Dominican clinical psychologist. The wife of former president, Danilo Medina. Montilla de Medina served as the First Lady of the Dominican Republic from 2012 to 2020. Biography Education and personal life Montilla de Medina was born on 3 October 1962 in Santo Domingo, where she has resided for most of her life. She graduated from Universidad Católica de Santo Domingo and became a clinical psychologist, specializing in family therapy. She also studied human resource management at the Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy in suburban Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She had conducted studies and seminars within her fields, including at the INCAE Business School in Costa Rica. Montilla married her husband, Danilo Medina, in 1987. They have three daughters: Candy Sibely, Vanessa Daniela and Ana Paula. Career From 2004 until August 2012, Cándida Montilla de Medina served as the f
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