Droitvignette|La Loi par Jean-Jacques Feuchère. Marbre, 1852. Place du Palais-Bourbon, VIIe arrondissement de Paris. Le droit est défini comme , ou de façon plus complète . Ces règles, appelées règles de droit sont impersonnelles, abstraites, obligatoires et indiquent ce qui « doit être fait ». Ces règles juridiques peuvent trouver leur source dans une source normative « supérieure », extérieure, transcendante, comme le droit naturel, ou découler de normes intrinsèques, issues de la morale et de la raison.
BarreauLe barreau est l'ordre professionnel des avocats. C'est un organisme professionnel, administratif et juridictionnel de défense et de régulation de la profession des avocats. Chaque avocat, pour exercer sa profession, doit appartenir à un barreau. Il peut se situer au niveau provincial, comme au Québec ou au niveau local. L'Ordre des avocats au Québec se nomme le Barreau du Québec, duquel tous les avocats sont membres, en plus d'un barreau de section. En Suisse, le barreau est organisé au niveau cantonal et l'on parle plus couramment du registre cantonal.
Call to the barThe call to the bar is a legal term of art in most common law jurisdictions where persons must be qualified to be allowed to argue in court on behalf of another party and are then said to have been "called to the bar" or to have received "call to the bar". "The bar" is now used as a collective noun for barristers, but literally referred to the wooden barrier in old courtrooms, which separated the often crowded public area at the rear from the space near the judges reserved for those having business with the court.
Admission to the bar in the United StatesAdmission to the bar in the United States is the granting of permission by a particular court system to a lawyer to practice law in the jurisdiction. Each U.S. state and jurisdiction (e.g. territories under federal control) has its own court system and sets its own rules and standards for bar admission. In most cases, a person is admitted or called to the bar of the highest court in the jurisdiction and is thereby authorized to practice law in the jurisdiction.
ParalegalA paralegal, also known as a legal assistant, or paralegal specialist is a professional who performs tasks that require knowledge of legal concepts but not the full expertise of a lawyer with a license to practice law. The market for paralegals is broad, including consultancies, companies that have legal departments or that perform legislative and regulatory compliance activities in areas such as environment, labor, intellectual property, zoning, and tax.
Bachelor of LawsLe bachelor of laws (LL.B) est un grade universitaire dans le domaine du droit, délivré dans de nombreux pays. L'enseignement du droit dans les pays de tradition universitaire anglo-saxonne est marqué par l'existence de la common law. De plus la distinction ancienne entre droit civil et droit canon, et du droit anglais et romain, perdure dans certaines appellations. Le Bachelor of Civil Law (bachelor of civil law, BCL) fut créé dans les universités d'Oxford et de Cambridge comme un grade de la faculté supérieure de droit civil.
Law schoolA law school (also known as a law centre, college of law, or faculty of law) is an institution or professional school specializing in legal education, usually involved as part of a process for becoming a judge, lawyer, or other legal professional within a given jurisdiction. In Argentina, lawyers-to-be need to obtain an undergraduate degree in law in order to practice the profession, as opposed to the US system in which a law degree is not obtained until successfully completing a postgraduate program.
Law degreeA law degree is an academic degree conferred for studies in law. Such degrees are generally preparation for legal careers. But while their curricula may be reviewed by legal authority, they do not confer a license themselves. A legal license is granted by examination, and exercised locally. The law degree can have local, international, and world-wide aspects, such as in England and Wales, where the Legal Practice Course or passing Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE) is required to become a solicitor or the Bar Professional Training Course (BPTC) to become a barrister.
Bar examinationA bar examination is an examination administered by the bar association of a jurisdiction that a lawyer must pass in order to be admitted to the bar of that jurisdiction. Administering bar exams is the responsibility of the bar association in the particular state or territory concerned. Those interested in pursuing a career at the bar must first be admitted as lawyers in the Supreme Court of their home state or territory.
AdvocateAn advocate is a professional in the field of law. Different countries' legal systems use the term with somewhat differing meanings. The broad equivalent in many English law–based jurisdictions could be a barrister or a solicitor. However, in Scottish, Manx, South African, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Scandinavian, Polish, Israeli, South Asian and South American jurisdictions, "Advocate" indicates a lawyer of superior classification. "Advocate" is in some languages an honorific for lawyers, such as "Adv.