
Alternatives to Darwinian evolution

Alternatives to Darwinian evolution have been proposed by scholars investigating biology to explain signs of evolution and the relatedness of different groups of living things. The alternatives in question do not deny that evolutionary changes over time are the origin of the diversity of life, nor that the organisms alive today share a common ancestor from the distant past (or ancestors, in some proposals); rather, they propose alternative mechanisms of evolutionary change over time, arguing against mutations acted on by natural selection as the most important driver of evolutionary change. This distinguishes them from certain other kinds of arguments that deny that large-scale evolution of any sort has taken place, as in some forms of creationism, which do not propose alternative mechanisms of evolutionary change but instead deny that evolutionary change has taken place at all. Not all forms of creationism deny that evolutionary change takes place; notably, proponents of theistic evolution, such as the biologist Asa Gray, assert that evolutionary change does occur and is responsible for the history of life on Earth, with the proviso that this process has been influenced by a god or gods in some meaningful sense. Where the fact of evolutionary change was accepted but the mechanism proposed by Charles Darwin, natural selection, was denied, explanations of evolution such as Lamarckism, catastrophism, orthogenesis, vitalism, structuralism and mutationism (called saltationism before 1900) were entertained. Different factors motivated people to propose non-Darwinian mechanisms of evolution. Natural selection, with its emphasis on death and competition, did not appeal to some naturalists because they felt it immoral, leaving little room for teleology or the concept of progress (orthogenesis) in the development of life. Some who came to accept evolution, but disliked natural selection, raised religious objections. Others felt that evolution was an inherently progressive process that natural selection alone was insufficient to explain.
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Concepts associés (9)
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
'Pierre Teilhard de Chardin' (), né le à Orcines dans le Puy-de-Dôme et mort le à New York, est un prêtre jésuite français, chercheur, paléontologue, théologien et philosophe. Scientifique réputé, théoricien de l'évolution, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin est à la fois un géologue, spécialiste de la Chine du Carbonifère au Pliocène et un paléontologue des vertébrés du Cénozoïque. Sa fréquentation régulière des paléoanthropologues qui étudiaient les premiers hominidés, tout juste découverts, l'incita à réfléchir à l'encéphalisation propre à la lignée des primates anthropoïdes.
Teleology in biology
Teleology in biology is the use of the language of goal-directedness in accounts of evolutionary adaptation, which some biologists and philosophers of science find problematic. The term teleonomy has also been proposed. Before Darwin, organisms were seen as existing because God had designed and created them; their features such as eyes were taken by natural theology to have been made to enable them to carry out their functions, such as seeing.
Histoire de la pensée évolutionniste
Le concept de pensée évolutionniste, selon lequel les espèces évoluent au cours du temps, remonte à l'Antiquité, dans les idées des Grecs, des Romains, des Chinois, de même que dans la science islamique du Moyen Âge. Cependant, jusqu'au , la pensée biologique occidentale était dominée par l'essentialisme selon lequel les espèces possédaient des caractéristiques inaltérables. Cette vision changea lors du siècle des Lumières lorsque la vision mécanique se développa dans les sciences naturelles à partir des sciences physiques.
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