Fixed income refers to any type of investment under which the borrower or issuer is obliged to make payments of a fixed amount on a fixed schedule. For example, the borrower may have to pay interest at a fixed rate once a year and repay the principal amount on maturity. Fixed-income securities — more commonly known as bonds — can be contrasted with equity securities – often referred to as stocks and shares – that create no obligation to pay dividends or any other form of income. Bonds carry a level of legal protections for investors that equity securities do not — in the event of a bankruptcy, bond holders would be repaid after liquidation of assets, whereas shareholders with stock often receive nothing.
For a company to grow its business, it often must raise money – for example, to finance an acquisition; buy equipment or land, or invest in new product development. The terms on which investors will finance the company will depend on the risk profile of the company. The company can give up equity by issuing stock or can promise to pay regular interest and repay the principal on the loan (bonds or bank loans). Fixed-income securities also trade differently than equities. Whereas equities, such as common stock, trade on exchanges or other established trading venues, many fixed-income securities trade over-the-counter on a principal basis.
The term "fixed" in "fixed income" refers to both the schedule of obligatory payments and the amount. "Fixed income securities" can be distinguished from inflation-indexed bonds, variable-interest rate notes, and the like. If an issuer misses a payment on fixed income security, the issuer is in default, and depending on the relevant law and the structure of the security, the payees may be able to force the issuer into bankruptcy. In contrast, if a company misses a quarterly dividend to stock (non-fixed-income) shareholders, there is no violation of any payment covenant and no default.
The term "fixed income" is also applied to a person's income that does not vary materially over time.
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This course gives the framework and tools for understanding economic events, taking financial decisions and evaluating investment opportunities in a global economy. It builds up an integrated model of
The course provides a market-oriented framework for analyzing the major financial decisions made by firms. It provides an introduction to valuation techniques, investment decisions, asset valuation, f
vignette|Avant la dématérialisation des valeurs mobilières, des coupons étaient attachés aux actions et obligations. Lors du paiement du dividende, le payeur prélevait le coupon correspondant.On voit ici une action de la Compagnie des Tramways de l'Ain, avec quelques coupons. En terme financier, le coupon attaché à une obligation est en fait l'intérêt que verse cette obligation à son détenteur. Certaines obligations ne versent pas de coupon, ce sont les obligations « zéro-coupon ».
En finance, une option est un produit dérivé qui établit un contrat entre un acheteur et un vendeur. L'acheteur de l'option obtient le droit, et non pas l'obligation, d'acheter (call) ou de vendre (put) un actif sous-jacent à un prix fixé à l'avance (strike), pendant un temps donné ou à une date fixée. Ce contrat peut se faire dans une optique de spéculation sur le prix futur de l'actif sous-jacent, ou d'assurance contre une évolution défavorable de ce prix.
A municipal bond, commonly known as a muni, is a bond issued by state or local governments, or entities they create such as authorities and special districts. In the United States, interest income received by holders of municipal bonds is often, but not always, exempt from federal and state income taxation. Typically, only investors in the highest tax brackets benefit from buying tax-exempt municipal bonds instead of taxable bonds. Taxable equivalent yield calculations are required to make fair comparisons between the two categories.
Explore comment le PIB mesure la production totale en utilisant les prix comme dénominateur commun et explique le concept de valeur ajoutée dans l'économie.
Explique l'actualisation des paiements futurs pour déterminer la valeur actuelle et estimer la valeur en capital en fonction des flux de revenus et des évaluations des ressources.
Explore les taux d'intérêt, les taux de change, l'activité économique et les événements économiques mondiaux.
We consider the asymmetric exclusion process with a driven tagged particle on Z which has different jump rates from other particles. When the non-tagged particles have non-nearest-neighbor jump rates , we show that the tagged particle can have a speed whic ...
This thesis uses machine learning techniques and text data to investigate the relationships that arise between the Fed and financial markets, and their consequences for asset prices.The first chapter, entitled Market Expectations and the Impact of Unconven ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the importance and value of multi-period asset allocation strategies responding to rapid changes in market behavior. In this article, we formulate and solve a multi-stage stochastic optimization problem, choosing the ...