Nationality words link to articles with information on the nation's poetry or literature (for instance, Irish or France). Forward Poetry Prize created Dana Gioia, writing in The Atlantic Monthly suggests (in an article titled "Can Poetry Matter?") that poets recite the works of other poets at public readings. Joseph Brodsky, the United States poet laureate, suggests in The New Republic that an anthology of American poetry be put beside the Bible and telephone directory in every hotel room in the country. Listed by nation where the work was first published and again by the poet's native land, if different; substantially revised works listed separately: Les Murray, The Rabbiter's Bounty Philip Mead and John Tranter, The Penguin Book of Modern Australian Poetry a major anthology of Twentieth century poetry from that nation Les Murray, editor, The New Oxford Book of Australian Verse (editor), Melbourne, Oxford University Press, 1986 and Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1991, 1999 Margaret Avison, Selected Poems Canada Earle Birney, Last Makings: Poems. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart. Don Domanski, Wolf-Ladder (nominated for a Governor General's Award) Jeffery Donaldson, Once out of Nature, McClelland & Stewart. Louis Dudek, Europe. Erin, ON: Porcupine's Quill, 1991. Louis Dudek, Small Perfect Things. Montreal: DC Books. Robert Finch, Miracle at the Jetty. Port Rowan, ON: Leeboard Press. Dorothy Livesay, The Woman I Am. Montreal: Guernica. Laura Lush, Hometown, Montreal: Vehicle Press. Anne Marriott, Aqua, Toronto: Wolsak & Wynn. Don McKay, Night Field (Canada) Roy Miki, In Saving Face: Poems Selected, 1976-1988, Canada P. K. Page, The Glass Air: Selected Poems (an expanded edition; original edition published in 1985) John Pass, The Hour's Acropolis, shortlisted for the 1993 Dorothy Livesay Poetry Prize, Raymond Souster, Running Out the Clock. Ottawa: Oberon Press.