Nationality words link to articles with information on the nation's poetry or literature (for instance, Irish or France). Allen Ginsberg crowned "Majelis King" in Prague on May Day. Jason Shinder, an American poet, expands a New York City Y.M.C.A. writing education program nationwide, thereby founding the Y.M.C.A. National Writer's Voice program, one of the country's largest networks of literary-arts centers, with 24 locations by 2008. Writers who teach in the program include poets Adrienne Rich and Galway Kinnell, novelists Michael Cunningham and E. L. Doctorow, and playwright Wendy Wasserstein. Listed by nation where the work was first published and again by the poet's native land, if different; substantially revised works listed separately: Jennifer Maiden: Bastille Day, NLA Selected Poems of Jennifer Maiden, Penguin The Winter Baby, Angus & Robertson Les Murray, Dog Fox Field Sydney: Angus & Robertson, 1990; Carcanet, 1991 and New York, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1993 Chris Wallace-Crabbe: For Crying Out Loud, Oxford: Oxford University Press Poetry and Belief (scholarship), Hobart: University of Tasmania Dionne Brand, No Language is Neutral George Elliott Clarke, Whylah Falls, Vancouver: Polestar, (revised edition, 2000 ) A. E. Davidson, Studies on Canadian Literature (scholarship), Canada Louis Dudek, Continuation II. Montreal: Véhicule Press. George Johnston, Endeared by Dark: The Collected Poems A.M. Klein, Complete Poems.Toronto: University of Toronto Press. A.M. Klein, Doctor Dwarf and Other Poems for Children. Kingston, ON: Quarry Press. Archibald Lampman, Selected Poetry of Archibald Lampman, Michael Gnarowski ed. (Ottawa: Tecumseh). James Reaney, Performance Poems. Michael Redhill, Impromptu Feats of Balance, Don Mills, Ontario: Wolsak & Wynn Ajmer Rode, Poems at my Doorstep, by a Punjabi poet living and published in Canada and writing in English; Vancouver: Caitlin Press, Ricardo Sternberg, Invention of Honey, Montreal: Signal Editions Phyllis Webb, Hanging Fire Dom Moraes, Serendip ( Poetry in English ) .