Comprehensive schoolA comprehensive school is a secondary school for pupils aged 11–16 or 11–18, that does not select its intake on the basis of academic achievement or aptitude, in contrast to a selective school system where admission is restricted on the basis of selection criteria, usually academic performance. The term is commonly used in relation to England and Wales, where comprehensive schools were introduced as state schools on an experimental basis in the 1940s and became more widespread from 1965.
Grammar schoolUne grammar school est, dans les pays anglophones, un établissement d'enseignement secondaire ou, plus rarement, d'enseignement primaire. Les origines des grammar schools remontent à l'Europe médiévale. Le but premier des grammar schools (littéralement « écoles de grammaire ») était d'enseigner la grammaire latine aux jeunes gens qui les fréquentaient. Le cursus devait plus tard inclure d'autres langues, telles que le grec ancien, le français, l'anglais et les autres langues européennes, ainsi que les sciences naturelles, les mathématiques, l'histoire, la géographie, etc.
State schoolA state school or public school is a primary or secondary school that educates all students without charge. Such schools are funded in whole or in part by taxation. State-funded schools exist in virtually every country of the world, though there are significant variations in their structure and educational programmes. Government funded education generally encompasses primary and secondary education (4 years old to 18 years old).
Collège communautairethumb|Pasadena City College, un collège communautaire de Pasadena, en Californie. Un collège communautaire est une institution à vocation éducative. Le sens du terme diffère significativement de pays en pays. Les collèges communautaires sont organisés par province : Qui enseigne principalement en français : Collège communautaire du Nouveau-Brunswick Qui enseigne principalement en anglais : New Brunswick Community College Collège communautaire de la Nouvelle-Écosse Dans la Colombie-Britannique : et d'autres institutions privées qui utilisent « Community College » dans leurs noms Au Manitoba : Le diplôme issu des collèges communautaires au Canada est généralement le Grade d'associé (anglais : Associate degree) pour des programmes à durée de deux ans.
Maître de guildeHistorically, a master craftsman or master tradesman (sometimes called only master or grandmaster) was a member of a guild. The title survives as the highest professional qualification in craft industries. In the European guild system, only masters and journeymen were allowed to be members of the guild. An aspiring master would have to pass through the career chain from apprentice to journeyman before he could be elected to become a master craftsman. He would then have to produce a sum of money and a masterpiece before he could actually join the guild.
Collègevignette|327x327px|Collège Mongazon, à Angers (France). Un collège est un établissement d'enseignement. À partir du , dans l'ensemble de l'Europe, les collèges sont des établissements complémentaires par rapport aux universités. Ils ont souvent été fondés par des legs pieux. Ils ont pour mission d'héberger des étudiants des universités médiévales, mais aussi d'apporter un complément d'enseignement, un soutien pédagogique, en particulier pour les artiens (ceux qui étudiaient dans la faculté des arts).
JourneymanA journeyman is a worker, skilled in a given building trade or craft, who has successfully completed an official apprenticeship qualification. Journeymen are considered competent and authorized to work in that field as a fully qualified employee. They earn their license by education, supervised experience and examination. Although journeymen have completed a trade certificate and are allowed to work as employees, they may not yet work as self-employed master craftsmen. The term "journeyman" was originally used in the medieval trade guilds.
Sous-emploiSelon l'Organisation internationale du travail (OIT), le sous-emploi existe « lorsque la durée ou la productivité de l’emploi d’une personne sont inadéquates par rapport à un autre emploi possible que cette personne est disposée à occuper et capable de faire. » Il est interprété notamment comme une défaillance du marché du travail.
Further educationFurther education (often abbreviated FE) in the United Kingdom and Ireland is additional education to that received at secondary school that is distinct from the higher education (HE) offered in universities and other academic institutions. It may be at any level in compulsory secondary education, from entry to higher level qualifications such as awards, certificates, diplomas and other vocational, competency-based qualifications (including those previously known as NVQ/SVQs) through awarding organisations including City and Guilds, Edexcel (BTEC) and OCR.
Secondary modern schoolA secondary modern school is a type of secondary school that existed throughout England, Wales and Northern Ireland from 1944 until the 1970s under the Tripartite System. Schools of this type continue in Northern Ireland, where they are usually referred to as secondary schools, and in areas of England, such as Buckinghamshire (where they are referred to as community schools), Lincolnshire and Wirral, (where they are called high schools).