MATH-206: Analysis IVEn son coeur, c'est un cours d'analyse fonctionnelle pour les physiciens et traite les bases de théorie de mesure, des espaces des fonctions et opérateurs linéaires.
MSE-421: Statistical mechanicsThis course presents an introduction to statistical mechanics geared towards materials scientists. The concepts of macroscopic thermodynamics will be related to a microscopic picture and a statistical
CS-401: Applied data analysisThis course teaches the basic techniques, methodologies, and practical skills required to draw meaningful insights from a variety of data, with the help of the most acclaimed software tools in the dat
MATH-442: Statistical theory-This course gives a mostly rigourous treatment of some statistical methods outside the context of standard likelihood theory.
FIN-417: Quantitative risk managementThis course is an introduction to quantitative risk management that covers standard statistical methods, multivariate risk factor models, non-linear dependence structures (copula models), as well as p
ENV-410: Science of climate changeThe course equips students with a comprehensive scientific understanding of climate change covering a wide range of topics from physical principles, historical climate change, greenhouse gas emissions
ME-373: Finite element modelling and simulationL'objectif de ce cours est d'apprendre à réaliser de manière rigoureuse et critique des analyses par éléments finis de problèmes concrets en mécanique des solides à l'aide d'un logiciel CAE moderne.