
Albert-Louis Van Houtte

Albert-Louis Van Houtte was a French-born Canadian businessman best known for the coffee company Van Houtte. Biography Van Houtte was born in 1877, in Tourcoing, France, then emigrated to Canada in 1912. After the First World War, he attempted a horse importing business, before switching to food retailing. He married Marie-Louise Deherripon and had three children: Christophe Van Houtte, Pierre Van Houtte and Lucy Van Houtte. On December 18, 1919, he took ownership of Camille Hussenot's import shop from Camille Hussenot. The shop was at 321 Ontario Street East in Montreal. The shop sold water, olive oil, foie gras, tea, coffee makers, soaps, wine and coffee. He also imported other products from Europe, such as cookies and chocolate, SEB kitchen utensils, Creuset cookware and Dessault wine vinegar. The products drew in more customers to the business. He was known for providing very personalized service to customers. In 1919, Albert-Louis d
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