
Stanley Kennedy Sr.

Stanley Carmichael Kennedy Sr. (July 7, 1890 – April 19, 1968) was a US Naval Aviator during World War I, world record holder and Silver Star recipient, pioneer of commercial aviation in the Hawaiian Islands, and founder of Hawaiian Airlines, one of the world's oldest operating airlines. Kennedy ran Hawaiian Airlines from the time of its incorporation in 1929 until he stepped down from daily operations in 1955. He remained chairman of the board until his death in 1968. Early life Kennedy was born in Honolulu, Hawaii to James A. and Minnie C. (Kirkland) Kennedy on July 7, 1890. His father was an immigrant from Scotland who worked his way up to become an executive at the Honolulu Iron Works, and then in 1902 became President of the Inter-Island Steam Navigation Company, which provided passenger and cargo shipping in the Hawaiian Islands. Kennedy attended the Punahou School in Honolulu graduating in 1908, and then attended Stanford University graduating in 1912. He returned to
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