MATH-207(a): Analysis IV (for SV, MT)The course studies the fundamental concepts of complex analysis with a view to their use in solving multidisciplinary problems of scientific engineering.
MATH-202(c): Analysis IIIThe course studies the fundamental concepts of vector analysis and Fourier-Laplace analysis with a view to their use in solving multidisciplinary problems in scientific engineering.
MATH-405: Harmonic analysisAn introduction to methods of harmonic analysis.
Covers convergence of Fourier series, Hilbert transform, Calderon-Zygmund theory, Fourier restriction, and applications to PDE.
MATH-511: Number theory II.a - Modular formsIn this course we will introduce core concepts of the theory of modular forms and consider several applications of this theory to combinatorics, harmonic analysis, and geometric optimization.
MICRO-310(b): Signals and systems I (for SV)Présentation des concepts et des outils de base pour l'analyse et la caractérisation des signaux, la conception de systèmes de traitement et la modélisation linéaire de systèmes pour les étudiants en
MATH-203(c): Analysis IIILe cours étudie les concepts fondamentaux de l'analyse vectorielle et l'analyse de Fourier en vue de leur utilisation pour
résoudre des problèmes pluridisciplinaires d'ingénierie scientifique.
COM-406: Foundations of Data ScienceWe discuss a set of topics that are important for the understanding of modern data science but that are typically not taught in an introductory ML course. In particular we discuss fundamental ideas an
COM-202: Signal processingSignal processing theory and applications: discrete and continuous time signals; Fourier analysis, DFT, DTFT,
CTFT, FFT, STFT; linear time invariant systems; filter design and adaptive filtering; samp