
Health in Anguilla

Health in Anguilla is managed by the Health Authority of Anguilla, an agency of the Government of Anguilla. Storm damage Health facilities were devastated in 2017 as a result of Hurricane Irma. Immediate medical support was provided by the Pan American Health Organization and Direct Relief. The British government and charitable donations have contributed towards the rebuilding program. Tim Foy says "The United Kingdom government is committed to the full rehabilitation of the Princess Alexandra Hospital". Healthcare In November 2018 it established a charitable foundation, the Health Authority of Anguilla Foundation, which is to be registered in Delaware as a 501(c)(3) organization which will allow tax-free contributions from donors in the USA. This is intended to help close "the gap between the health needs and desires of the community and the capacity to meet these needs and desires". People on the island often use health facilities on St. Maarten. Their access
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