Pyelogram (or pyelography or urography) is a form of imaging of the renal pelvis and ureter. Types include: Intravenous pyelogram – In which a contrast solution is introduced through a vein into the circulatory system. Retrograde pyelogram – Any pyelogram in which contrast medium is introduced from the lower urinary tract and flows toward the kidney (i.e. in a "retrograde" direction, against the normal flow of urine). Anterograde pyelogram (also antegrade pyelogram) – A pyelogram where a contrast medium passes from the kidneys toward the bladder, mimicking the normal flow of urine. Gas pyelogram – A pyelogram that uses a gaseous rather than liquid contrast medium. It may also form without the injection of a gas, when gas producing micro-organisms infect the most upper parts of urinary system. An intravenous pyelogram (IVP), also called an intravenous urogram (IVU), is a radiological procedure used to visualize abnormalities of the urinary system, including the kidneys, ureters, and bladder. Unlike a kidneys, ureters, and bladder x-ray (KUB), which is a plain (that is, noncontrast) radiograph, an IVP uses contrast to highlight the urinary tract. In IVP, the contrast agent is given through a vein (intravenously), allowed to be cleared by the kidneys and excreted through the urinary tract as part of the urine. If this is contraindicated for some reason, a retrograde pyelogram, with the contrast flowing upstream, can be done instead. An intravenous pyelogram is used to look for problems relating to the urinary tract. These may include blockages or narrowing, such as due to kidney stones, cancer (such as renal cell carcinoma or transitional cell carcinoma), enlarged prostate glands, and anatomical variations, such as a medullary sponge kidney. They may also be able to show evidence of chronic scarring due to recurrent urinary tract infections, and to assess for cysts associated with polycystic kidney disease.
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Publications associées (6)
Concepts associés (8)
Bladder stone
A bladder stone is a stone found in the urinary bladder. Bladder stones are small mineral deposits that can form in the bladder. In most cases bladder stones develop when the urine becomes very concentrated or when one is dehydrated. This allows for minerals, such as calcium or magnesium salts, to crystallize and form stones. Bladder stones vary in number, size and consistency. In some cases bladder stones do not cause any symptoms and are discovered as an incidental finding on a plain radiograph.
thumb|Hématurie microscopique : globules rouges dans l'urine au microscope. thumb|Hématurie macroscopique et bandelette urinaire positive. L'hématurie est la présence de sang dans les urines lors de la miction, plus précisément celle de globules rouges en quantité anormalement élevée (rarement grave par son abondance mais impose la recherche de son étiologie). Une hématurie macroscopique est détectable à l'œil nu, l'urine est de couleur rouge, ce qui correspond à un débit > hématies/min .
Lithiase urinaire
La lithiase urinaire (du grec lithos, pierre) est une maladie caractérisée par la formation de calculs (du latin calculus, caillou), c’est-à-dire des accrétions cristallines qui se forment, à partir de minéraux dissous dans l'urine, dans les voies urinaires : cavités rénales (calices et bassinet), uretères et vessie. La taille des calculs varie d'un grain de sable à celle d'une balle de golf. Les plus gros, dits « coralliformes », moulent l'intérieur du rein, ayant ainsi l'aspect de branches de corail.
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