In physics (specifically tribology), superlubricity is a regime of motion in which friction vanishes or very nearly vanishes. What is a "vanishing" friction level is not clear, which makes the term quite vague. As an ad hoc definition, a kinetic coefficient of friction less than 0.01 can be adopted. This definition also requires further discussion and clarification. Superlubricity may occur when two crystalline surfaces slide over each other in dry incommensurate contact. This effect, also called structural lubricity, was suggested in 1991 and verified with great accuracy between two graphite surfaces in 2004. The atoms in graphite are oriented in a hexagonal manner and form an atomic hill-and-valley landscape, which looks like an egg-crate. When the two graphite surfaces are in registry (every 60 degrees), the friction force is high. When the two surfaces are rotated out of registry, the friction is greatly reduced. This is like two egg-crates which can slide over each other more easily when they are "twisted" with respect to each other. Observation of superlubricity in microscale graphite structures was reported in 2012, by shearing a square graphite mesa a few micrometers across, and observing the self-retraction of the sheared layer. Such effects were also theoretically described for a model of graphene and nickel layers. This observation, which is reproducible even under ambient conditions, shifts interest in superlubricity from a primarily academic topic, accessible only under highly idealized conditions, to one with practical implications for micro and nanomechanical devices. A state of ultralow friction can also be achieved when a sharp tip slides over a flat surface and the applied load is below a certain threshold. Such a "superlubric" threshold depends on the tip-surface interaction and the stiffness of the materials in contact, as described by the Tomlinson model. The threshold can be significantly increased by exciting the sliding system at its resonance frequency, which suggests a practical way to limit wear in nanoelectromechanical systems.
László Forró, Bálint Náfrádi, Péter Szirmai, Bence Gábor Márkus
Tobias Kippenberg, Alberto Beccari, Amirali Arabmoheghi, Nils Johan Engelsen, Sergey Fedorov