Electropolishing, also known as electrochemical polishing, anodic polishing, or electrolytic polishing (especially in the metallography field), is an electrochemical process that removes material from a metallic workpiece, reducing the surface roughness by levelling micro-peaks and valleys, improving the surface finish. Electropolishing is often compared to, but distinctly different from, electrochemical machining. It is used to polish, passivate, and deburr metal parts. It is often described as the reverse of electroplating. It may be used in lieu of abrasive fine polishing in microstructural preparation. Typically, the work-piece is immersed in a temperature-controlled bath of electrolyte and serves as the anode; it is connected to the positive terminal of a DC power supply, the negative terminal being attached to the cathode. A current passes from the anode, where metal on the surface is oxidised and dissolved in the electrolyte, to the cathode. At the cathode, a reduction reaction occurs, which normally produces hydrogen. Electrolytes used for electropolishing are most often concentrated acid solutions such as mixtures of sulfuric acid and phosphoric acid. Other electropolishing electrolytes reported in the literature include mixtures of perchloric acid with acetic anhydride (which has caused fatal explosions), and methanolic solutions of sulfuric acid. To electropolish a rough surface, the protruding parts of a surface profile must dissolve faster than the recesses. This process, referred to as anodic leveling, can be subject to incorrect analysis when measuring the surface topography. Anodic dissolution under electropolishing conditions deburrs metal objects due to increased current density on corners and burrs. Most importantly, successful electropolishing should operate under diffusion limited constant current plateau, achieved by following current dependence on voltage (polarisation curve), under constant temperature and stirring conditions.
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Concepts associés (3)
Electroplating, also known as electrochemical deposition or electrodeposition, is a process for producing a metal coating on a solid substrate through the reduction of cations of that metal by means of a direct electric current. The part to be coated acts as the cathode (negative electrode) of an electrolytic cell; the electrolyte is a solution of a salt of the metal to be coated; and the anode (positive electrode) is usually either a block of that metal, or of some inert conductive material.
La corrosion désigne l'altération d'un matériau par réaction chimique avec un oxydant (le dioxygène et le cation H+ en majorité). Il faut en exclure les effets purement mécaniques (cela ne concerne pas, par exemple, la rupture sous l'effet de chocs), mais la corrosion peut se combiner avec les effets mécaniques et donner de la corrosion sous contrainte et de la fatigue-corrosion ; de même, elle intervient dans certaines formes d'usure des surfaces dont les causes sont à la fois physicochimiques et mécaniques.
L’électrochimie est la discipline scientifique qui s’intéresse aux relations entre la chimie et l’électricité. Elle décrit les phénomènes chimiques couplés à des échanges réciproques d’énergie électrique. L'électrochimie comprend toutes technologies et techniques issues de ses travaux scientifiques, comme les travaux concernant l'électrolyse, la corrosion, les piles, les piles à combustibles, les accumulateurs, et l'électrodéposition.