Federal Rules of Civil ProcedureThe Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (officially abbreviated Fed. R. Civ. P.; colloquially FRCP) govern civil procedure in United States district courts. They are the companion to the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure. Rules promulgated by the United States Supreme Court pursuant to the Rules Enabling Act become part of the FRCP unless, within seven months, the United States Congress acts to veto them. The Court's modifications to the rules are usually based upon recommendations from the Judicial Conference of the United States, the federal judiciary's internal policy-making body.
Preuve (droit)vignette|Police scientifique cherchant des empreintes digitales qui serviront de preuves En droit, une preuve est un élément qui permet à un tiers de s'assurer de la véracité d'un fait. Dans la plupart des législations pénales ou civiles, l'altération de preuves visant, soit à altérer, falsifier ou effacer des traces ou indices, soit d’ouvrir une fausse piste, constitue une infraction grave punie par la loi. Preuve en droit civil français Preuve en droit pénal français Preuve en droit civil québécois Charge
Subpoena ad testificandumA subpoena ad testificandum is a court summons to appear and give oral testimony for use at a hearing or trial. The use of a writ for purposes of compelling testimony originated in the ecclesiastical courts of Church during the High Middle Ages, especially in England. The use of the subpoena writ was gradually adopted over time by civil and criminal courts in England and the European continent. The subpoena developed as a creative writ, the "writ subpoena", from the Court of Chancery.
DemurrerA demurrer is a pleading in a lawsuit that objects to or challenges a pleading filed by an opposing party. The word demur means "to object"; a demurrer is the document that makes the objection. Lawyers informally define a demurrer as a defendant saying "So what?" to the pleading. Typically, the defendant in a case will demur to the complaint, but it is also possible for the plaintiff to demur to an answer. The demurrer challenges the legal sufficiency of a cause of action in a complaint or of an affirmative defense in an answer.
Tampering with evidenceTampering with evidence, or evidence tampering, is an act in which a person alters, conceals, falsifies, or destroys evidence with the intent to interfere with an investigation (usually) by a law-enforcement, governmental, or regulatory authority. It is a criminal offense in many jurisdictions. Tampering with evidence is closely related to the legal issue of spoliation of evidence, which is usually the civil law or due process version of the same concept (but may itself be a crime).
Electronic discoveryElectronic discovery (also ediscovery or e-discovery) refers to discovery in legal proceedings such as litigation, government investigations, or Freedom of Information Act requests, where the information sought is in electronic format (often referred to as electronically stored information or ESI). Electronic discovery is subject to rules of civil procedure and agreed-upon processes, often involving review for privilege and relevance before data are turned over to the requesting party.
Poursuite (droit)En droit, une poursuite est une action en justice intentée contre une personne. Le terme est généralement utilisé dans un contexte de droit pénal. En droit civil, on favorisera le terme « action civile » (plutôt que poursuite civile). En Suisse, l'expression « mettre aux poursuites » signifie intenter une action ayant pour objet une somme d'argent ou des sûretés à fournir dans le cas d'une dette. L'action se fait sur la base de la loi fédérale sur la poursuite pour dettes et la faillite (abrégée LP).
Subpoena duces tecumA subpoena duces tecum (pronounced in English səˈpiːnə_ˌdjuːsiːz_ˈtiːkəm ), or subpoena for production of evidence, is a court summons ordering the recipient to appear before the court and produce documents or other tangible evidence for use at a hearing or trial. In some jurisdictions, it can also be issued by legislative bodies such as county boards of supervisors. The summons is known by various names in different jurisdictions. The term subpoena duces tecum is used in the United States, as well as some other common law jurisdictions such as South Africa and Canada.
Arbitrage (droit)L'arbitrage est un mode alternatif de règlement des conflits par lequel des parties conviennent de soumettre leur différend à un tribunal arbitral généralement composé de 1 ou 3 arbitres. L'arbitre rend une sentence qui s'impose aux parties sous réserve du respect de certaines conditions. L'arbitrage permet donc de régler un litige, en saisissant non les tribunaux de l'État mais une juridiction arbitrale, en confiant le différend à un ou plusieurs particuliers ou arbitres professionnels choisis par les parties.
Droitvignette|La Loi par Jean-Jacques Feuchère. Marbre, 1852. Place du Palais-Bourbon, VIIe arrondissement de Paris. Le droit est défini comme , ou de façon plus complète . Ces règles, appelées règles de droit sont impersonnelles, abstraites, obligatoires et indiquent ce qui « doit être fait ». Ces règles juridiques peuvent trouver leur source dans une source normative « supérieure », extérieure, transcendante, comme le droit naturel, ou découler de normes intrinsèques, issues de la morale et de la raison.