
Hopper (microarchitecture)

Hopper is a graphics processing unit (GPU) microarchitecture developed by Nvidia. It is designed for datacenters and is parallel to Ada Lovelace. Named for computer scientist and United States Navy rear admiral Grace Hopper, the Hopper architecture was leaked in November 2019 and officially revealed in March 2022. It improves upon its predecessors, the Turing and Ampere microarchitectures, featuring a new streaming multiprocessor and a faster memory subsystem. The Nvidia Hopper H100 GPU is implemented using the TSMC 4N process with 80 billion transistors. It consists of up to 144 streaming multiprocessors. In SXM5, the Nvidia Hopper H100 offers better performance than PCIe. The streaming multiprocessors for Hopper improve upon the Turing and Ampere microarchitectures, although the maximum number of concurrent warps per SM remains the same between the Ampere and Hopper architectures, 64. The Hopper architecture provides a Tensor Memory Accelerator (TMA), which supports bidirectional asynchronous memory transfer between shared memory and global memory. Under TMA, applications may transfer up to 5D tensors. When writing from shared memory to global memory, element wise reduction and bitwise operators may be used, avoiding registers and SM instructions while enabling users to write warp specialized codes. TMA is exposed through cuda::memcpy_async When parallelizing applications, developers can use thread block clusters. Thread blocks may perform atomics in the shared memory of other thread blocks within its cluster, otherwise known as distributed shared memory. Distributed shared memory may be used by an SM simultaneously with L2 cache; when used to communicate data between SMs, this can utilize the combined bandwidth of distributed shared memory and L2. The maximum portable cluster size is 8, although the Nvidia Hopper H100 can support a cluster size of 16 by using the cudaFuncAttributeNonPortableClusterSizeAllowed function, potentially at the cost of reduced number of active blocks.

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