
Vladimir Ljotić

Vladimir Ljotić (Владимир Љотић; 1846 – 27 July 1912) was a Serbian politician and diplomat who served as the Serbian government consul to Greece. Biography He was born into the well-known Ljotić family in Smederevo. The family was loyal to the Karađorđević dynasty which is why Vladimir's father Dimitrije "Mita" had to emigrate from Serbia following the return to the throne of the Obrenović dynasty in 1858. While abroad, Dimitirje's father was the secretary of Prince Alexander Karađorđević. During this time, young Vladimir remained in Serbia and began studying law but after the assassination of Prince Mihailo Obrenović in 1868, he had to leave the country because of the unfavourable situation for the families loyal to the Karađorđević dynasty. He continued studying law in Vienna. He took part in the founding of the United Serbian Youth in 1870. While abroad, he was in the socialist circles around Svetozar Marković. His socialist feelings in his youth are evident as he was t
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