In computer networking, Gigabit Ethernet (GbE or 1 GigE) is the term applied to transmitting Ethernet frames at a rate of a gigabit per second. The most popular variant, 1000BASE-T, is defined by the IEEE 802.3ab standard. It came into use in 1999, and has replaced Fast Ethernet in wired local networks due to its considerable speed improvement over Fast Ethernet, as well as its use of cables and equipment that are widely available, economical, and similar to previous standards. The first standard for faster 10 Gigabit Ethernet was approved in 2002. Ethernet was the result of research conducted at Xerox PARC in the early 1970s, and later evolved into a widely implemented physical and link layer protocol. Fast Ethernet increased the speed from 10 to 100 megabits per second (Mbit/s). Gigabit Ethernet was the next iteration, increasing the speed to 1000 Mbit/s. The initial standard for Gigabit Ethernet was produced by the IEEE in June 1998 as IEEE 802.3z, and required optical fiber. 802.3z is commonly referred to as 1000BASE-X, where -X refers to either -CX, -SX, -LX, or (non-standard) -ZX. (For the history behind the "X" see .) IEEE 802.3ab, ratified in 1999, defines Gigabit Ethernet transmission over unshielded twisted pair (UTP) or cabling, and became known as 1000BASE-T. With the ratification of 802.3ab, Gigabit Ethernet became a desktop technology as organizations could use their existing copper cabling infrastructure. IEEE 802.3ah, ratified in 2004, added two more gigabit fiber standards: 1000BASE-LX10 (which was already widely implemented as vendor-specific extension) and 1000BASE-BX10. This was part of a larger group of protocols known as Ethernet in the First Mile. Initially, Gigabit Ethernet was deployed in high-capacity backbone network links (for instance, on a high-capacity campus network). In 2000, Apple's Power Mac G4 and PowerBook G4 were the first mass-produced personal computers to feature the 1000BASE-T connection. It quickly became a built-in feature in many other computers.

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Cours associés (15)
MATH-351: Advanced numerical analysis
The student will learn state-of-the-art algorithms for solving differential equations. The analysis and implementation of these algorithms will be discussed in some detail.
PHYS-313: Quantum physics I
The objective of this course is to familiarize the student with the concepts, methods and consequences of quantum physics.
COM-300: Stochastic models in communication
L'objectif de ce cours est la maitrise des outils des processus stochastiques utiles pour un ingénieur travaillant dans les domaines des systèmes de communication, de la science des données et de l'i
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Concepts associés (33)
Ethernet over twisted pair
Ethernet over twisted-pair technologies use twisted-pair cables for the physical layer of an Ethernet computer network. They are a subset of all Ethernet physical layers. Early Ethernet used various grades of coaxial cable, but in 1984, StarLAN showed the potential of simple unshielded twisted pair. This led to the development of 10BASE-T and its successors 100BASE-TX, 1000BASE-T and 10GBASE-T, supporting speeds of 10 and 100 megabit per second, then 1 and 10 gigabit per second respectively.
Réseau informatique
thumb|upright|Connecteurs RJ-45 servant à la connexion des réseaux informatiques via Ethernet. thumb|upright Un réseau informatique ( ou DCN) est un ensemble d'équipements reliés entre eux pour échanger des informations. Par analogie avec un (un réseau est un « petit rets », c'est-à-dire un petit filet), on appelle nœud l'extrémité d'une connexion, qui peut être une intersection de plusieurs connexions ou équipements (un ordinateur, un routeur, un concentrateur, un commutateur).
Fast Ethernet
Fast Ethernet est une dénomination pour décrire une variété de technologies utilisées pour implémenter le standard Ethernet (Implémentation au niveau de la couche PHY et de la sous-couche MAC) à des débits jusqu'à 100 Mbit/s. Fast Ethernet améliore le standard précédent qui n'autorise un transfert de données qu'à des débits ne dépassant pas 10 Mbit/s. Ces variantes du standard Ethernet sont définies par les normes IEEE 802.3u et IEEE 802.3y.
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