
Jacob Amekor Blukoo-Allotey

Jacob Amekor Blukoo-Allotey, (1929-2016), was a Ghanaian academic and physician who served as general manager of the GIHOC Pharmaceutical Corporation. Early life Blukoo-Allotey attended Accra Academy, where he graduated in 1948. He proceeded to the United Kingdom to study medicine at the University of Liverpool. There, he was the president of the city's Ghana Students' Association. He graduated in 1959, and in 1960, he became a Licensiate of the Royal College of Physicians, London, and a Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. He later went to the United States of America on a scholarship to study Pharmacology for his master's degree. Career Following his studies in the United Kingdom, Blukoo-Allotey returned to Ghana where he registered as a medical personnel on 12 May 1961. He consequently worked as a physician with the Ministry of Health until the mid-1960s when he took up a job as a lecturer at the Pharmacology de
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