Plasma gasification is an extreme thermal process using plasma which converts organic matter into a syngas (synthesis gas) which is primarily made up of hydrogen and carbon monoxide. A plasma torch powered by an electric arc is used to ionize gas and catalyze organic matter into syngas, with slag remaining as a byproduct. It is used commercially as a form of waste treatment, and has been tested for the gasification of refuse-derived fuel, biomass, industrial waste, hazardous waste, and solid hydrocarbons, such as coal, oil sands, petcoke and oil shale. Small plasma torches typically use an inert gas such as argon where larger torches require nitrogen. The electrodes vary from copper or tungsten to hafnium or zirconium, along with various other alloys. A strong electric current under high voltage passes between the two electrodes as an electric arc. Pressurized inert gas is ionized passing through the plasma created by the arc. The torch's temperature ranges from . The temperature of the plasma reaction determines the structure of the plasma and forming gas. The waste is heated, melted and finally vaporized. Only at these extreme conditions can molecular dissociation occur by breaking apart molecular bonds. Complex molecules are separated into individual atoms. The resulting elemental components are in a gaseous phase (syngas). Molecular dissociation using plasma is referred to as "plasma pyrolysis." The feedstock for plasma waste treatment is most often refuse-derived fuel, biomass waste, or both. Feedstocks may also include biomedical waste and hazardous materials. Content and consistency of the waste directly impacts performance of a plasma facility. Pre-sorting to extract treatable material for the gasification provides consistency. Too much inorganic material such as metal and construction waste increases slag production, which in turn decreases syngas production. However, a benefit is that the slag itself is chemically inert and safe to handle (certain materials may affect the content of the gas produced, however).
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Concepts associés (12)
Déchet médical
Les déchets médicaux représentent les déchets issus des activités de soin prodiguées dans différentes structures médicalisées, notamment dans les structures hospitalières. Comme les déchets vétérinaires qui leur sont parfois assimilés, pour des raisons de biosécurité et de d'hygiène et de santé publique, le suivi de leur production, transport, gestion et élimination nécessite des précautions écologiques et sanitaires actuelles. Ils sont soumis à des réglementations spécifiques.
Waste-to-energy (WtE) or energy-from-waste (EfW) is the process of generating energy in the form of electricity and/or heat from the primary treatment of waste, or the processing of waste into a fuel source. WtE is a form of energy recovery. Most WtE processes generate electricity and/or heat directly through combustion, or produce a combustible fuel commodity, such as methane, methanol, ethanol or synthetic fuels. The first incinerator or "Destructor" was built in Nottingham, UK, in 1874 by Manlove, Alliott & Co.
Torche à plasma (recyclage)
Plasma gasification is an extreme thermal process using plasma which converts organic matter into a syngas (synthesis gas) which is primarily made up of hydrogen and carbon monoxide. A plasma torch powered by an electric arc is used to ionize gas and catalyze organic matter into syngas, with slag remaining as a byproduct. It is used commercially as a form of waste treatment, and has been tested for the gasification of refuse-derived fuel, biomass, industrial waste, hazardous waste, and solid hydrocarbons, such as coal, oil sands, petcoke and oil shale.
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Cours associés (6)
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CH-223: Organometallic chemistry
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  1. Structure and bonding in organometallic compounds.
  2. reactivity of organometallic compounds, stoichiometric reactions, catalyzed rea
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