Picoplankton is the fraction of plankton composed by cells between 0.2 and 2 μm that can be either prokaryotic and eukaryotic phototrophs and heterotrophs:
photosynthetic Photosynthetic picoplankton
heterotrophic Heterotrophic picoplankton
They are prevalent amongst microbial plankton communities of both freshwater and marine ecosystems. They have an important role in making up a significant portion of the total biomass of phytoplankton communities.
In general, plankton can be categorized on the basis of physiological, taxonomic, or dimensional characteristics. Subsequently, a generic classification of a plankton includes:
However, there is a simpler scheme that categorizes plankton based on a logarithmic size scale:
Macroplankton (200–2000 μm)
Micro-plankton (20–200 μm)
Nanoplankton (2–20 μm)
This was even further expanded to include picoplankton (0.2-2 μm) and fem-toplankton (0.02-0.2 μm), as well as net plankton, ultraplankton. Now that picoplankton have been characterized, they have their own further subdivisions such as prokaryotic and eukaryotic phototrophs and heterotrophs that are spread throughout the world in various types of lakes and tropic states.
In order to differentiate between autotrophic picoplankton and heterotrophic picoplankton, the autotrophs could have photosynthetic pigments and the ability to show autofluorescence, which would allow for their enumeration under epifluorescence microscopy. This is how minute eukaryotes first became known.
Overall, picoplankton play an essential role in oligotrophic dimicitc lakes because they are able to produce and then accordingly recycle dissolved organic matter (DOM) in a very efficient manner under circumstance when competition of other phytoplankters is disturbed by factors such as limiting nutrients and predators. Picoplankton are responsible for the most primary productivity in oligotrophic gyres, and are distinguished from nanoplankton and microplankton.
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Explore la photosynthèse anoxygénique chez les bactéries pourpres, leur flux d'électrons cycliques et l'évolution de la photosynthèse oxygénée par endosymbiose.
Marine microorganisms are defined by their habitat as microorganisms living in a marine environment, that is, in the saltwater of a sea or ocean or the brackish water of a coastal estuary. A microorganism (or microbe) is any microscopic living organism or virus, that is too small to see with the unaided human eye without magnification. Microorganisms are very diverse. They can be single-celled or multicellular and include bacteria, archaea, viruses and most protozoa, as well as some fungi, algae, and animals, such as rotifers and copepods.
Le bactérioplancton correspond aux bactéries composant le plancton dérivant ou se déplaçant activement dans la colonne d'eau (douce, saumâtre ou marine). Le bactérioplancton occupe une part des niches écologiques dans les systèmes aquatiques et joue un rôle important dans l'écologie microbienne et le cycle du carbone. Une part importante du bactérioplancton est saprophytes, c'est-à-dire composé de bactéries tirant leur énergie de la matière organique (nécromasse, excréments, excrétats essentiellement) produite par d’autres organismes.
thumb|250px|right|Les diatomées sont une des bases des réseaux trophiques océaniques et d'eau douce. Certaines sont considérées comme bioindicatrices de la qualité de l'eau. thumb|250px|right|Zooplancton. Selon Hensen (1887), le plancton (du grec ancien , « errant, instable ») est un groupe polyphylétique d'organismes généralement unicellulaires vivant dans les eaux douces, saumâtres et salées, le plus souvent en suspension et apparemment passivement : gamètes, larves, animaux inaptes à lutter contre le courant (petits crustacés planctoniques, siphonophores et méduses), végétaux et algues microscopiques.
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