
Doctor of Pharmacy

A Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD; Neo-Latin: Pharmaciae Doctor) is a professional doctorate in pharmacy. In some countries, it is a doctoral degree to practice the profession of pharmacy or to become a clinical pharmacist. In many countries, people with their Doctor of Pharmacy are allowed to practice independently and can prescribe drugs directly to patients. A PharmD program has significant experiential and/or clinical education components in introductory and advanced levels for the safe and effective use of drugs. Experiential education prepares graduates to be practice-ready, as they already have spent a significant amount of time training in areas of direct patient care and research. In Algeria, Doctor of Pharmacy degree replaced the state's diploma of pharmacist in 2011, thus concepts on clinical pharmacy and pharmaceutical care were taught for the first time. Algeria has 01 Faculty of Pharmacy (University of Algiers 1) and 08 Pharmacy Department (University of Batna 2, University of Blida 1, University of Tlemcen, University of Tizi Ouzzou, University of Sétif 1, University of Sidi Bel Abbes, University of Annaba, University of Constantine 3). PharmD is a professional degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences and according to newly adopted educational advancements, it is the minimum requirement to be licensed as a Pharmacist in Egypt, the curriculum consists of 6 years ( 5 years of Pharmaceutical & clinical studies followed by 1 year of Clinical internships ), this program is intended for students who have graduated from High school. As for the Pharmacists with a bachelor of Pharmaceutical Sciences who graduated before the decree of the new law, there is a Postgraduate PharmD offered by many faculties of Pharmacy for Pharmacists, The duration of the program consists of two calendar years. The first year consists of many didactic courses covering topics such as pharmacotherapy, pharmacokinetics, and pharmaceutical care of many diseases. The second year consists of clinical rotations in different specialties including ambulatory care, oncology, cardiology, nephrology, pediatrics, and others.
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