
Casal Català de Brussel·les

Casal Català de Brussel·les (equivalent in English as "Catalan House in Brussels" or "Catalan Home of Brussels") is a nonprofit social organization of Belgium. It belongs to the worldwide network of Catalan Casals and seeks to build cohesion of Catalan citizens and Catalan speakers that live in this European state, as well as to promote the social and cultural reality of Catalonia. It was founded in 1930 and given its location in Brussels, the European capital of politics, it also aims to defend Catalan identity and to project Catalan culture internationally. History and activities The Casal Català de Brussel·les was founded in Brussels on 6 December 1930 by a group of Catalan exiled politicians. They were headed by what would later become the President of the Government of Catalonia, Francesc Macià i Llussà, and the writer and politician Bonaventura Gassol i Rovira, after the plot of Prats de Molló in 1926 that aimed to declare Catalonia's independence. From Brussels, Maci
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