A persistence module is a mathematical structure in persistent homology and topological data analysis that formally captures the persistence of topological features of an object across a range of scale parameters. A persistence module often consists of a collection of homology groups (or vector spaces if using field coefficients) corresponding to a filtration of topological spaces, and a collection of linear maps induced by the inclusions of the filtration. The concept of a persistence module was first introduced in 2005 as an application of graded modules over polynomial rings, thus importing well-developed algebraic ideas from classical commutative algebra theory to the setting of persistent homology. Since then, persistence modules have been one of the primary algebraic structures studied in the field of applied topology.
Let be a partially ordered set (poset) and let be a field. The poset is sometimes called the indexing set. Then a persistence module is a functor from the poset of to the category of vector spaces over and linear maps. A persistence module indexed by a discrete poset such as the integers can be represented intuitively as a diagram of spaces: To emphasize the indexing set being used, a persistence module indexed by is sometimes called a -persistence module, or simply a -module.
One can alternatively use a set-theoretic definition of a persistence module that is equivalent to the categorical viewpoint: A persistence module is a pair where is a collection of -vector spaces and is a collection of linear maps where for each , such that for any (i.e., all the maps commute).
In the case of a -module where is a single partially ordered set (e.g., , etc.), we say that is a single- or 1-parameter persistence module. However, if is instead a product of totally ordered sets, i.e., for some totally ordered sets , then by endowing with the product partial order given by only if for all , we can define a multiparameter persistence module indexed by .
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This course teaches basic mathematical techniques that can be applied on biological and neuroscience challenges. During the course we will focus on solving similarity tasks with stochastic systems, ra
In applied mathematics, topological data analysis (TDA) is an approach to the analysis of datasets using techniques from topology. Extraction of information from datasets that are high-dimensional, incomplete and noisy is generally challenging. TDA provides a general framework to analyze such data in a manner that is insensitive to the particular metric chosen and provides dimensionality reduction and robustness to noise. Beyond this, it inherits functoriality, a fundamental concept of modern mathematics, from its topological nature, which allows it to adapt to new mathematical tools.
Explore les interactions d'ordre supérieur dans les réseaux cérébraux en utilisant des complexes simpliciaux et la théorie de l'information, en analysant les données de l'IRMf, des séries chronologiques financières et des maladies infectieuses.
Plonge dans l'analyse des données topologiques, explorant la forme des données et leur structure sous-jacente à l'aide d'outils et de concepts mathématiques.
Se penche sur l'analyse des données topologiques, en mettant l'accent sur les fondements mathématiques des réseaux neuronaux et en explorant l'hypothèse multiple et l'homologie persistante.
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