
Maria Hardouin

Maria Hardouin of the Dukes of Gallese D'Annunzio, princess consort of Montenevoso (30 January 1864 – 18 January 1954) was an Italian noblewoman, first and only wife of Gabriele D'Annunzio. Biography Daughter of Duke Giulio Hardouin of Gallese and Natalia Lezzani, she met D'Annunzio in 1883. The relationship was opposed by her family, due to the difference in class between the two. D'Annunzio continued to see Maria secretly, until the "sin of May" (Italian: peccato di maggio) and the escape of the two to Florence, which the Italian newspapers reported. The compromised situation of Maria, pregnant, forced her father to agree to a shotgun wedding. From her marriage, celebrated in the chapel of Palazzo Altemps in Rome on 28 July of the same year (in the absence of her father and of the d'Annunzio family) three sons were born:
  • Mario, the eldest, born in Pescara (1884–1964);
  • Gabriellino;
  • Ugo Veniero
After the first years spent in Abruzzo, the couple
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