
Gerónimo de Santa Fe

Jerónimo de Santa Fe (fl. 1400–1430; born Yehosúa ben Yosef) was a Spanish physician and religious writer who, after conversion to Catholicism from Judaism, wrote in Latin as Hieronymus de Sancta Fide (Jerome of the Holy Faith). Born Yehosúa ben Yosef, his epiphet "al-Lorquí", from Lorca, near Murcia, may indicate his place of birth or later residence. An alternative hypothesis places his hometown as Alcañiz. According to Richard Gottheil (1911) it is not correct to identify him with the author of the same name who wrote an anti-Christian letter to Solomon ha-Levi (Paul de Burgos). The only proof offered for such an identification is a note appended to the manuscript of the letter to the effect that "the author afterward became a Christian". This note, not in another manuscript ("Cat. Leyden", pp. 276, 354), was probably added by a later copyist who was misled by the similarity of the names (see Joshua ben Joseph ibn Vives al-Lorqui). Joshua ha-Lorki was baptized before Vicente Ferrer delivered his proselytizing sermons in Lorca. Although not a rabbi, as Spanish chroniclers claim, he was well versed in the Talmud and in rabbinical literature. In order to show his zeal for the new faith he tried to win over to Christianity his former co-believers, and to throw suspicion on them and on their religion. For that reason he was called "megaddef" ("the blasphemer"), from the initial letters of his name, Maestro Geronimo de Santa Fé. He offered to prove from the Talmud that the Messiah had already come in the person of Jesus. For this purpose he induced Antipope Benedict XIII, whose physician he was, to arrange the Disputation of Tortosa with learned Jews. Either before or after the debate Hieronymus, at the request of Pope Benedict XIII, wrote two articles in which he heaped up accusations against the Jews and repeated old, apparently slanderous charges. One of these articles was Tractatus Contra Perfidiam Judæorum; the other, De Judæis Erroribus ex Talmuth; they were published together as Hebræomastix (Zurich, 1552; Frankfurt am Main, 1602; Hamburg, n.
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