Ascended masters, as written about in the theosophical tradition, are held to be enlightened beings who in past incarnations were ordinary humans, but who have undergone a series of spiritual transformations called initiations. Theosophists believe in: 1) the Law of Rebirth or reincarnation; 2) the Law of Cause and Effect; and 3) the Law of Harmlessness. Most importantly, evolution is considered to be spiritual in nature. Spiritual development occurs over many life-times, with humans slowly learning to observe themselves and to come to terms with who they are on a moment-to-moment basis. In addition, the Law of Cause and Effect, or karma, forces individuals to experience inevitably what they have imposed on others, as well as to acquire the spiritual fortitude to face all they are and ever have been — for every thought, feeling and action has a karmic impress. Painstakingly over many lifetimes, individuals thus are afforded the opportunity to witness their very own lives, while learning how to master their bodies, emotions, and mind. (This is true freedom, unlike the pursuit of desires, which ends up by enslaving one.)For within you is the light of the world — the only light that can be shed upon the Path. If you are unable to perceive it within you, it is useless to look for it elsewhere. It is beyond you, because when you reach it you have lost yourself. It is unattainable, it forever recedes. You will enter the light, but you will never touch the Flame. Consciousness expands slowly, largely through meditation, self-observation, voluntary suffering, and restraint or harmlessness. With self-mastery comes the capacity for sustained, higher states of consciousness or self-realization. When clarifying the role of the Masters of Wisdom vis-à-vis humanity, the Master Djwal Kuhl stated:Emphasis should be laid on the evolution of humanity with peculiar attention to its goal, perfection. This is not the idealistic perfection of the visionary mystic, but the control of the instrument, man in incarnation, by the indwelling and overshadowing soul.