
Zell Kravinsky

Zell Kravinsky is an American investor and utilitarian who is known for making a non-directed kidney donation to a stranger and for donating over 45millionofhispersonalwealthtocharity,withthelargestindividualdonationgoingtotheCentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention(CDC).Heisalsoapoet.KravinskywasborntoaJewishfamilyandearnedtwoPh.D.degreesfromtheUniversityofPennsylvania,onein1989inRhetoricwithadissertationonAristotlestopoi,andtheotherin1994inEnglishLiteraturewithadissertationonparadoxicalpolysemyinMiltonsParadiseLost.Healsocompletedrequiredcoursesforathirddoctoraldegree,inculturalanthropologyfromTheNewSchoolForSocialResearch,butdidnottakethepreliminaryexaminationorwriteadissertation.HisB.A.fromDartmouthCollegewasinAsianStudies,withaspecialtyinIndianStudies.HelecturedfulltimeatPennforsomeyears,wasaFacultyinResidenceforfouryears,andoneyearwasselected,intheUniversityspublishedbookofstudentevaluations,asthemostoverallhighlyrankedfacultymemberatPenn.Kravinskythenworkedforinsurancecompaniesdesigningandteachingtrainingworkshopsinmanagementdevelopment;taughthandicapped("learningdisabled"andsociallyandemotionallydisturbed,i.e.,conductdisordered)childrenininnercityPhiladelphiaschools;andtaughtTranscendentalMeditation.Afteramassingarealestatefortune,havingstartedwithonethousanddollars,Kravinskygaveawayvirtuallyallofittovariouscharities,concentratingonpublichealthorganizations.Specifically,hedonatedalmostallofthe45 million of his personal wealth to charity, with the largest individual donation going to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). He is also a poet. Kravinsky was born to a Jewish family and earned two Ph.D. degrees from the University of Pennsylvania, one in 1989 in Rhetoric with a dissertation on Aristotle’s topoi, and the other in 1994 in English Literature with a dissertation on paradoxical polysemy in Milton's Paradise Lost. He also completed required courses for a third doctoral degree, in cultural anthropology from The New School For Social Research, but did not take the preliminary examination or write a dissertation. His B.A. from Dartmouth College was in Asian Studies, with a specialty in Indian Studies. He lectured full-time at Penn for some years, was a Faculty in Residence for four years, and one year was selected, in the University's published book of student evaluations, as the most overall highly ranked faculty member at Penn. Kravinsky then worked for insurance companies designing and teaching training workshops in management development; taught handicapped ("learning disabled" and “socially and emotionally disturbed,” i.e., conduct-disordered) children in inner-city Philadelphia schools; and taught Transcendental Meditation. After amassing a real estate fortune, having started with one thousand dollars, Kravinsky gave away virtually all of it to various charities, concentrating on public health organizations. Specifically, he donated almost all of the 45 million he amassed in real estate to charities dealing with improving health; he made the largest individual contribution ever to the foundation supporting the United States government Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and also made major donations to The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and to the Ohio State University College of Public Health.
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