Nationality words link to articles with information on the nation's poetry or literature (for instance, Irish or France).
Frederick James Furnivall founds the Browning Society
Rosanna Eleanor Leprohon, Poetical Works, posthumously published, Canada
Pamela Vining Yule. Poems of the Heart and Home.
Wilfrid Scawen Blunt, The Love Sonnets of Proteus (see also Sonnets and Songs 1875, Love Lyrics 1892)
Katherine Harris Bradley and Edith Emma Cooper, writing as "Arran and Islan Leigh", Bellerophon, and Other Poems
Amy Levy, Xantippe, and Other Verse
George Moore, Pagan Poems
Constance Naden, Songs and Sonnets of Springtime
Christina Rossetti, A Pageant, and other Poems
Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Ballads and Sonnets, with "The House of Life" complete, and Poems
Oscar Wilde, Poems, three editions published this year, first edition in June
Thomas Bailey Aldrich, Friar Jerome's Beautiful Book
Ina Coolbrith, A Perfect Day
James T. Fields, Ballads and Other Verses, Boston: Houghton Mifflin & Company, Riverside Press imprint, United States
Joel Chandler Harris, Uncle Remus: His Songs and His Sayings, including poetry
Fitz-James O'Brien, Poems and Stories
Epes Sargent, Harper's Cyclopaedia of British and American Poets (scholarship), posthumously published, United States
John Greenleaf Whittier, The King's Missive
François Coppée, Conies en tiers, France
Victor Hugo, Les Quatres vents de l'esprit, France
Jorge Isaacs, Saulo, 1st canto (no more published), Colombia
Helena Nyblom, Digte ("Poems"), Denmark
Death years link to the corresponding "[year] in poetry" article:
January 9 – Lascelles Abercrombie (died 1938), English poet and literary critic called the Georgian Laureate and one of the "Dymock poets"
February 13 – Eleanor Farjeon (died 1965), English author and poet
February 15 – Piaras Béaslaí (died 1965), Irish writer and poet
February 17 – Puran Singh (died 1931), Indian, writing Indian poetry in English
March 6 – John Cournos, born Ivan Grigorievich Korshun (died 1966), Russian-American Imagist poet, but better known for his novels, short stories, essays, criticism and translations of Russian literature (pen name: John Courtney)
April 4 – Gertrud von Puttkamer, born Gertrud Günther (died 1944), German homoerotic poet (pen name: Marie-Madeleine)
April 6 – Furnley Maurice (died 1942), Australian
April 16 – Alice Corbin Henderson (died 1949), American poet
May 18 – Alan Edward Mulgan (died 1962), New Zealand
June 10 – Jaime Sabartés (died 1968), Catalan Spanish poet and longtime secretary to Pablo Picasso
August 1 – Aizu Yaichi 会津 八一 (died 1956), Japanese poet, calligrapher and historian (surname: Aizu)
August 10 – Witter Bynner (died 1968), American poet, writer and scholar
August 20 – Edgar Albert Guest (died 1959), prolific American poet
September 16 – Clive Bell (died 1964), English critic associated with the Bloomsbury group
October 30 – Elizabeth Madox Roberts (died 1941), American novelist and poet
November 15:
Franklin Pierce Adams (died 1960), American columnist (pen name: F.