BIO-109: Introduction to life sciences (for IC)Ce cours présente les principes fondamentaux à l'œuvre dans les organismes vivants. Autant que possible, l'accent est mis sur les contributions de l'Informatique aux progrès des Sciences de la Vie.
HUM-275: Evolutionary psychologyLa psychologie évolutionniste est une discipline située au carrefour de la biologie, de la psychologie, de l'anthropologie, des sciences sociales et naturelles qui examine les traits psychologiques et
AR-301(o): Studio BA5 (elii)Fiction is one of the laboratories that architecture uses for its tests. This should not come as a surprise, since architecture has always been a "science of fiction". The studio holds by elii [archit
AR-302(o): Studio BA6 (elii)Fiction is one of the laboratories that architecture uses for its tests. This should not come as a surprise, since architecture has always been a "science of fiction". The studio holds by elii [archit
AR-402(o): Studio MA2 (elii)Fiction is one of the laboratories that architecture uses for its tests. This should not come as a surprise, since architecture has always been a "science of fiction". The studio holds by elii [archit
AR-401(o): Studio MA1 (elii)Fiction is one of the laboratories that architecture uses for its tests. This should not come as a surprise, since architecture has always been a "science of fiction". The studio holds by elii [archit