In modern physics, the double-slit experiment demonstrates that light and matter can satisfy the seemingly-incongruous classical definitions for both waves and particles, which is considered evidence for the fundamentally probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics. This type of experiment was first performed by Thomas Young in 1801, as a demonstration of the wave behavior of visible light. At that time it was thought that light consisted of either waves or particles. With the beginning of modern physics, about a hundred years later, it was realized that light could in fact show both wave and particle characteristics. In 1927, Davisson and Germer demonstrated that electrons show the same behavior, which was later extended to atoms and molecules. Thomas Young's experiment with light was part of classical physics long before the development of quantum mechanics and the concept of wave–particle duality. He believed it demonstrated that Christiaan Huygens' wave theory of light was correct, and his experiment is sometimes referred to as Young's experiment or Young's slits. The experiment belongs to a general class of "double path" experiments, in which a wave is split into two separate waves (the wave is typically made of many photons and better referred to as a wave front, not to be confused with the wave properties of the individual photon) that later combine into a single wave. Changes in the path-lengths of both waves result in a phase shift, creating an interference pattern. Another version is the Mach–Zehnder interferometer, which splits the beam with a beam splitter. In the basic version of this experiment, a coherent light source, such as a laser beam, illuminates a plate pierced by two parallel slits, and the light passing through the slits is observed on a screen behind the plate. The wave nature of light causes the light waves passing through the two slits to interfere, producing bright and dark bands on the screen – a result that would not be expected if light consisted of classical particles.
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Publications associées (22)
Concepts associés (67)
Mécanique quantique
La mécanique quantique est la branche de la physique théorique qui a succédé à la théorie des quanta et à la mécanique ondulatoire pour étudier et décrire les phénomènes fondamentaux à l'œuvre dans les systèmes physiques, plus particulièrement à l'échelle atomique et subatomique. Elle fut développée dans les années 1920 par une dizaine de physiciens européens, pour résoudre des problèmes que la physique classique échouait à expliquer, comme le rayonnement du corps noir, l'effet photo-électrique, ou l'existence des raies spectrales.
Dualité onde-corpuscule
En physique, la dualité onde-corpuscule aussi appelée dualité onde-particule est un principe selon lequel tous les objets physiques peuvent présenter parfois des propriétés d'ondes et parfois des propriétés de corpuscules et de particules. La manifestation de ces propriétés ne dépend pas seulement de l'objet étudié isolément, mais aussi de tout l'appareillage de mesure utilisé. Ce concept fait partie des fondements de la mécanique quantique.
Double-slit experiment
In modern physics, the double-slit experiment demonstrates that light and matter can satisfy the seemingly-incongruous classical definitions for both waves and particles, which is considered evidence for the fundamentally probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics. This type of experiment was first performed by Thomas Young in 1801, as a demonstration of the wave behavior of visible light. At that time it was thought that light consisted of either waves or particles.
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Cours associés (29)
PHYS-426: Quantum physics IV
Introduction to the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics. Derivation of the perturbation expansion of Green's functions in terms of Feynman diagrams. Several applications will be presented,
COM-309: Quantum information processing
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HUM-402: Experimental history of science I
This course will introduce students to recent works and advancements in the history of science which will provide them with the necessary background to articulate historical questions and to understan
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Séances de cours associées (138)
Interféromètre Mach-Zehnder
Explore l'interféromètre Mach-Zehnder, les matrices de densité et les probabilités de détection dans les systèmes quantiques.
Phénomène d'interférence: expérience de double fente
Explore le phénomène d'interférence dans une expérience à double fente pour déterminer les positions maximales et la séparation, en analysant l'impact de facteurs tels que la longueur d'onde et la largeur de la fente.
Experimentum Crucis: Reconstitution des connaissances perdues
Explore la reconstitution des connaissances perdues et les expériences historiques sur les températures d'ébullition de l'eau.
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MOOCs associés (7)
Fundamentals of Biomedical Imaging: Ultrasounds, X-ray, positron emission tomography (PET) and applications
Learn how principles of basic science are integrated into major biomedical imaging modalities and the different techniques used, such as X-ray computed tomography (CT), ultrasounds and positron emissi
Fundamentals of Biomedical Imaging: Ultrasounds, X-ray, positron emission tomography (PET) and applications
Learn how principles of basic science are integrated into major biomedical imaging modalities and the different techniques used, such as X-ray computed tomography (CT), ultrasounds and positron emissi
Fundamentals of Biomedical Imaging: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Learn about magnetic resonance, from the physical principles of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) to the basic concepts of image reconstruction (MRI).
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