
Hamiltonian constraint

The Hamiltonian constraint arises from any theory that admits a Hamiltonian formulation and is reparametrisation-invariant. The Hamiltonian constraint of general relativity is an important non-trivial example. In the context of general relativity, the Hamiltonian constraint technically refers to a linear combination of spatial and time diffeomorphism constraints reflecting the reparametrizability of the theory under both spatial as well as time coordinates. However, most of the time the term Hamiltonian constraint is reserved for the constraint that generates time diffeomorphisms. In its usual presentation, classical mechanics appears to give time a special role as an independent variable. This is unnecessary, however. Mechanics can be formulated to treat the time variable on the same footing as the other variables in an extended phase space, by parameterizing the temporal variable(s) in terms of a common, albeit unspecified parameter variable. Phase space variables being on the same footing. Say our system comprised a pendulum executing a simple harmonic motion and a clock. Whereas the system could be described classically by a position x=x(t), with x defined as a function of time, it is also possible to describe the same system as x() and t() where the relation between x and t is not directly specified. Instead, x and t are determined by the parameter , which is simply a parameter of the system, possibly having no objective meaning in its own right. The system would be described by the position of a pendulum from the center, denoted , and the reading on the clock, denoted . We put these variables on the same footing by introducing a fictitious parameter , whose 'evolution' with respect to takes us continuously through every possible correlation between the displacement and reading on the clock. Obviously the variable can be replaced by any monotonic function, . This is what makes the system reparametrisation-invariant. Note that by this reparametrisation-invariance the theory cannot predict the value of or for a given value of but only the relationship between these quantities.
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