
Private Life: The Compass Point Sessions

Private Life: The Compass Point Sessions is a compilation of recordings by Grace Jones released in 1998 by Island Records. The two-disc anthology consists mostly of material pulled from 1980–1982 recording sessions. Background, production and release Grace Jones recorded three albums with Sly and Robbie, Wally Badarou, Barry Reynolds, Mikey Chung and Uziah "Sticky" Thompson, aka the Compass Point Allstars, a studio band named after the legendary Compass Point Studios, Nassau, Bahamas during the period of 1980–1982; Warm Leatherette, Nightclubbing and Living My Life. Private Life: The Compass Point Sessions includes a selection of tracks from the recording sessions for those albums. It collects what is generally regarded to be Jones' best work and also offers a well-researched essay included in the album sleeve. The album includes two previously unreleased songs from the Living My Life sessions: "Man Around the House" and a demo recording of Johnny Cash's
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