
David I. Arkin

David I. Arkin (December 19, 1906 – October 8, 1980) was an American teacher, painter, writer, lyricist, and the father of actor Alan Arkin. Early life Arkin was born in New York, the son of Russian-Jewish immigrants. Career In 1945, Arkin moved his family to Los Angeles, California to take a teaching job. Arkin attempted to obtain work in the entertainment industry, but was unsuccessful. An eight-month Hollywood strike cost Arkin a set designer job, but the greater blow was as a result of the McCarthy "witch hunt". Arkin, a leftist, was accused of being a communist but refused to answer questions regarding his political affiliation. As a result, he was fired from his teaching job and was unable to gain work in Hollywood. Arkin challenged his dismissal, but did not achieve vindication until after his death, when a judge ruled that though the firing was legal at time, Arkin should have been considered for reinstatement when the school board changed its policy
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