Urban Infrastructure ManagementLearn the principles of managing urban infrastructure systems; complex socio-technical systems that provide basic services (energy, water, transport, etc.) to more than 50% of the world’s population.
Urban Infrastructure ManagementLearn the principles of managing urban infrastructure systems; complex socio-technical systems that provide basic services (energy, water, transport, etc.) to more than 50% of the world’s population.
Urban Infrastructure ManagementLearn the principles of managing urban infrastructure systems; complex socio-technical systems that provide basic services (energy, water, transport, etc.) to more than 50% of the world’s population.
Selected Topics on Discrete ChoiceDiscrete choice models are used extensively in many disciplines where it is important to predict human behavior at a disaggregate level. This course is a follow up of the online course “Introduction t
Selected Topics on Discrete ChoiceDiscrete choice models are used extensively in many disciplines where it is important to predict human behavior at a disaggregate level. This course is a follow up of the online course “Introduction t