CS-401: Applied data analysisThis course teaches the basic techniques, methodologies, and practical skills required to draw meaningful insights from a variety of data, with the help of the most acclaimed software tools in the dat
DH-406: Machine learning for DHThis course aims to introduce the basic principles of machine learning in the context of the digital humanities. We will cover both supervised and unsupervised learning techniques, and study and imple
PHYS-467: Machine learning for physicistsMachine learning and data analysis are becoming increasingly central in sciences including physics. In this course, fundamental principles and methods of machine learning will be introduced and practi
CS-433: Machine learningMachine learning methods are becoming increasingly central in many sciences and applications. In this course, fundamental principles and methods of machine learning will be introduced, analyzed and pr
FIN-525: Financial big dataThe course introduces modern methods to acquire, clean, and analyze large quantities of financial data efficiently. The second part expands on how to apply these techniques and robust statistics to fi
FIN-407: Machine learning in financeThis course aims to give an introduction to the application of machine learning to finance, focusing on the problems of portfolio optimization and hedging, as well as textual analysis. A particular fo
CS-423: Distributed information systemsThis course introduces the foundations of information retrieval, data mining and knowledge bases, which constitute the foundations of today's Web-based distributed information systems.
EE-311: Fundamentals of machine learningCe cours présente une vue générale des techniques d'apprentissage automatique, passant en revue les algorithmes, le formalisme théorique et les protocoles expérimentaux.