MATH-302: Functional analysis IConcepts de base de l'analyse fonctionnelle linéaire: opérateurs bornés, opérateurs compacts, théorie spectrale pour les opérateurs symétriques et compacts, le théorème de Hahn-Banach, les théorèmes d
CS-457: Geometric computingThis course will cover mathematical concepts and efficient numerical methods for geometric computing. We will explore the beauty of geometry and develop algorithms to simulate and optimize 2D and 3D g
EE-611: Linear system theoryThe course covers control theory and design for linear time-invariant systems : (i) Mathematical descriptions of systems (ii) Multivariables realizations; (iii) Stability ; (iv) Controllability and Ob
COM-406: Foundations of Data ScienceWe discuss a set of topics that are important for the understanding of modern data science but that are typically not taught in an introductory ML course. In particular we discuss fundamental ideas an
MATH-207(d): Analysis IVThe course studies the fundamental concepts of complex analysis and Laplace analysis with a view to their use to solve multidisciplinary scientific engineering problems.
PHYS-428: Relativity and cosmology IIThis course is the basic introduction to modern cosmology. It introduces students to the main concepts and formalism of cosmology, the observational status of Hot Big Bang theory
and discusses major