Stress chez l'humainLe 'stress chez l'humain' qualifie à la fois une situation contraignante et les processus physiologiques mis en place par l'organisme pour s'y adapter. Chez l'adulte, le stress peut avoir des origines physiques, pathogéniques (ayant une maladie génétique, infectieuse ou parasitaire comme origine par exemple), socio-psychiques, médiées par divers processus hormonaux (hormones, ou molécules de stress), chimiques et biochimiques de l'organisme.
Occupational stressOccupational stress is psychological stress related to one's job. Occupational stress refers to a chronic condition. Occupational stress can be managed by understanding what the stressful conditions at work are and taking steps to remediate those conditions. Occupational stress can occur when workers do not feel supported by supervisors or coworkers, feel as if they have little control over the work they perform, or find that their efforts on the job are incommensurate with the job's rewards.
Modèle diathèse–stressthumb|upright=1.2|Schéma du modèle diathèse–stress : en horizontal, le vécu va de très négatif à très positif ; en vertical en représentée la conséquence pour une personne "solide" (noir) ou vulnérable (rouge) Le modèle diathèse–stress est une théorie psychologique tentant d'expliquer certains comportements humains par la conjonction d'une vulnérabilité héréditaire et de stress important issu d'expériences vécues.
Stress managementStress management consists of a wide spectrum of techniques and psychotherapies aimed at controlling a person's level of stress, especially chronic stress, usually for the purpose of improving everyday functioning. Stress produces numerous physical and mental symptoms which vary according to each individual's situational factors. These can include a decline in physical health, such as headaches, chest pain, fatigue, and sleep problems, as well as depression.
Type systemIn computer programming, a type system is a logical system comprising a set of rules that assigns a property called a type (for example, integer, floating point, string) to every "term" (a word, phrase, or other set of symbols). Usually the terms are various constructs of a computer program, such as variables, expressions, functions, or modules. A type system dictates the operations that can be performed on a term. For variables, the type system determines the allowed values of that term.