The socialist calculation debate, sometimes known as the economic calculation debate, was a discourse on the subject of how a socialist economy would perform economic calculation given the absence of the law of value, money, financial prices for capital goods and private ownership of the means of production. More specifically, the debate was centered on the application of economic planning for the allocation of the means of production as a substitute for capital markets and whether or not such an arrangement would be superior to capitalism in terms of efficiency and productivity.
NOTOC Calculation in kind or calculation in-natura is a way of valuating resources and a system of accounting that uses disaggregated physical magnitudes as opposed to a common unit of calculation. As the basis for a socialist economy, it was proposed to replace money and financial calculation. In an in-kind economy products are produced for their use values (their utility) and accounted in physical terms. By contrast, in money-based economies, commodities are produced for their exchange value and accounted in monetary terms.
The economic calculation problem (sometimes abbreviated ECP) is a criticism of using economic planning as a substitute for market-based allocation of the factors of production. It was first proposed by Ludwig von Mises in his 1920 article "Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth" and later expanded upon by Friedrich Hayek. In his first article, Mises described the nature of the price system under capitalism and described how individual subjective values (while criticizing other theories of value) are translated into the objective information necessary for rational allocation of resources in society.
Le centre d'inertie d'un objet, ou centre de masse, est le point de l'espace où l'on applique les effets d'inertie, c'est-à-dire le vecteur variation de quantité de mouvement . Si la masse du système est constante, ce que nous supposerons pour simplifier par la suite, alors , étant l'accélération. C'est aussi le point où l'on applique le vecteur force d'inertie résultant de l'accélération d'entraînement dans le cas d'un référentiel non galiléen.
L'écliptique est le plan dans lequel s’effectue l'orbite de la Terre autour du Soleil, en supposant l’orbite plane (orbite moyenne) et le Soleil immobile. Écliptique est, à l’origine, un adjectif (peu usité hormis pour qualifier le système de coordonnées écliptiques) signifiant « relatif aux éclipses », et qui, par extension, devint vers le un nom définissant : Dans l’Antiquité : le cercle mitoyen du zodiaque ; Au : l’orbite terrestre elle-même ; Aujourd’hui : le plan de l'orbite du barycentre Terre-Lune autour du Soleil.