Architect and civil engineer, Prof. Dr. Yves Weinand is one of the most recognised researchers in the field of contemporary wood construction. Founder of the Bureau d'Etude Weinand, he has, since 1996, designed and worked on many emblematic wooden buildings, such as the Saint Loup Chapel, the new Vaudois Parliament or, more recently, the Timber Pavilion of Vidy in Lausanne. His fundamental research questions the technical and static possibilities of wooden materials. The interdisciplinary exploration carried out at the EPFL's Laboratory for Timber Constructions (Ibois), of which he is director, concerns wood in all its aspects, from round wood to manufactured wood. The recent research carried out at Ibois on free structures with wood-wood connections (without screw nor glue) has been the subject of several technological transfers, and stands as tangible proof of new possibilities for wood construction. Yves Weinand is currently working on a large-scale project for a hall for the head office of a joinery in Luxembourg, consisting of a succession of arches with spans of 22.5 to 53.7m, entirely assembled in wood ). Through new innovative approaches, the ambition of his research is to develop a new generation of renewable and ecological wooden construction.He is regularly invited to present his work at international symposia on timber construction.
Fields of expertise Architectural designTimber structuresDigital FabricationRobotic AssemblyStructural Wood mechanicsIntegrally Attached Timber plate structures
Distinctions 2012 Grand Prix d'Architecture de Wallonie 2014 Best Paper Award, Advances in Architectural Geometry conference. (IBOIS team) 2017 Medal for Research and Technique by the Academy of Architecture. 2018 Mention Régionale, Prix Lignum for the Timber Pavilion of Vidy-Lausanne 2019 "Disctinction Bois 2019" for the Nouveau Parlement vaudois.2019 Grand Prix d'Architecture de Wallonie____________________________________________________________________________ Selected publications Les Cahiers de l'Ibois/ Ibois Notebooks 1, F. Fromonot, S. Berthier, Y. Rocher, publication directors: Y. Weinand et C. Catsaros, 2020 EPFL Press Le Pavillon en bois du Théâtre de Vidy, under the direction of Yves Weinand; V. Baudriller, J. Gamerro, M. Jaccard, C. Robeller; 2017, PPURAdvanced Timber Structures - Architectural Designs and Digital Dimensioning, Y. Weinand, 2017, Birkhaüser, publié en trois langues (french : Structures Innovantes en Bois (2016); german : Neue Holztragwerke - Architektonische Entwürfe und digitale Bemessung (2017)Grubenmann Project / Projekt Grubenmann, Y. Weinand, 2016, Stiftung Grubenmann-SammlungTimber Project: Nouvelles formes d’architectures en bois, Y. Weinand, 2010, PPURArchitexto, Y. Weinand and D. Darcis, 2009, Editions Fourre-Tout, LiègeLe bois soudé, B. Stamm and Y. Weinand, 2004, Architecture Bois & DépendanceNew Modeling - projeter ensemble, Y. Weinand, 2003, PPUR
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Yves Weinand, Julien Gamerro, Andrea Settimi, Florian Aymanns, Naravich Chutisilp
Katrin Beyer, Yves Weinand, Julien Gamerro, Andrea Settimi, Qianqing Wang
Katrin Beyer, Yves Weinand, Julien Gamerro, Savvas Saloustros, Andrea Settimi, Andrea Cabriada Ascencio