Analytic queueing network models often assume infinite capacity queues due to the difficulty of grasping the between-queue correlation. This correlation can help to explain the propagation of congestion. We present an analytic queueing network model which preserves the finite capacity of the queues and uses structural parameters to grasp the between-queue correlation. Unlike pre-existing models it maintains the network topology and the queue capacities exogenous. Additionally, congestion is directly modeled via a novel formulation of the state space of the queues which explicitly captures the blocking phase. The model can therefore describe the sources and effects of congestion.
Marilyne Andersen, Sabine Süsstrunk, Caroline Karmann, Bahar Aydemir, Kynthia Chamilothori, Seungryong Kim
Luc Thévenaz, Zhisheng Yang, Li Zhang, Flavien Gyger