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Genomic rearrangement of germline T-cell antigen receptor (TcR) and immunoglobulin (Ig) genes was studied by Southern blot analysis in seven patients with angioimmunoblastic lymphadenopathy (AILD). In three cases clinically suspected of transformation into malignant lymphoma, hybridization with the TcR beta probe showed markedly dimished intensity in the 11.5 kb germline band after Eco RI digestion and normal germline configuration after Hind III and Bam HI digestion, indicating polyclonal T cell rearrangements. A clonal rearrangement of the TcR beta gene was detected in only one case at initial biopsy. No monoclonal rearrangement of Ig genes was observed. These data show that in some cases of AILD disease progression is indicated by polyclonal TcR rearrangements and not by outgrowth of a malignant clone, supporting the concept of AILD as an immunoregulatory disorder.
Nicola Harris, Mario Michael Zaiss, Julia Esser-von Bieren, Luc Xavier Marie Lebon
Filipe Amândio Brandão Sanches Vong Martins