Approximately 2 billion people worldwide and a significant part of the domestic livestock are infected with soil-transmitted helminths, of which many establish chronic infections causing substantial eco-nomic and welfare burdens. Beside intensive research on helminth-triggered mucosal and systemic immune responses, the local mechanism that enables infective larvae to cross the intestinal epithelial barrier and invade mucosal tissue remains poorly addressed. Here, we show that Heligmosomoides poly-gyrus infective L3s secrete acetate and that acetate potentially facilitates paracellular epithelial tissue invasion by changed epithelial tight junction claudin expression. In vitro, impedance-based real-time epithelial cell line barrier measurements together with ex vivo functional permeability assays in intesti-nal organoid cultures revealed that acetate decreased intercellular barrier function via the G-protein cou-pled free fatty acid receptor 2 (FFAR2, GPR43). In vivo validation experiments in FFAR2-/-mice showed lower H. polygyrus burdens, whereas oral acetate-treated C57BL/6 wild type mice showed higher burdens. These data suggest that locally secreted acetate - as a metabolic product of the energy metabolism of H. polygyrus L3s - provides a significant advantage to the parasite in crossing the intestinal epithelial barrier and invading mucosal tissues. This is the first and a rate-limiting step for helminths to establish chronic infections in their hosts and if modulated could have profound consequences for their life cycle.(c) 2022 Australian Society for Parasitology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Françoise Gisou van der Goot Grunberg, Laurence Gouzi Abrami, Francisco De Magalhães Sarmento R De Mesquita