Intrinsic microcrystalline silicon opens up new ways for silicon thin-film multi-junction solar cells, the most promising being the "micromorph" tandem concept. The microstructure of entirely microcrystalline p-i-n solar cells is investigated by transmission electron microscopy. By applying low pressure chemical vapor deposition ZnO as front TCO in p-i-n configurated micromorph tandems, a remarkable reduction of the microcrystalline bottom cell thickness is achieved. Micromorph tandem cells with high open circuit voltages of 1.413 V could be accomplished. A stabilized efficiency of around 11% is estimated for micromorph tandems consisting of 2 μm thick bottom cells. Applying the monolithic series connection, a micromorph module (23.3 cm2) of 9.1% stabilized efficiency could be obtained. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Christophe Ballif, Franz-Josef Haug, Xavier Niquille, Andrea Ingenito, Sylvain Nicolay, Frank Meyer
Christophe Ballif, Quentin Thomas Jeangros, Mathieu Gérard Boccard, Monica Morales Masis, Sihua Zhong, Weiliang Wu