Aim of the work is to assess the environmental quality and the potential implementation of renewable energies at the scale of the city referring to Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) data. This source of data allows to predict environmental indicators in a fast way with no need to refer to the construction of complex models of the urban layout / geometry. A complete methodology from the extraction of LIDAR data and large database alphanumerical information of buildings typology, that define the assumptions of our model, to the environmental analysis of urban models and the visualization of results is presented. The methodology investigates digital urban models by integrating cross-disciplinary competences, like remote sensing, GIS, database management, image processing and urban and environmental studies. A special focus will be given to the following research axes: - Applying the Light and Thermal (LT) Model, estimation of energy consumption for heating and lighting; - Interpreting energy results and solar potential: comparisons, scenarios and estimation of energy production through renewable energy (sun); - Guidelines for potential of installation of solar panels (PV and thermic) on campus; - Guidelines for renovation (localized intervention where needed); - Guidelines for the infiling with new buildings on the Campus without compromising solar admittance; - Analysis of the influence of trees on the solar admittance on campus. Case study for application is a rectangular area of 1100 meters by 650 meters of the Swiss side (Site of Meyrin) of the international organization CERN, located in Geneva, Switzerland, where all data needed to analyze the urban fabric in a very innovative way are available.