The objective of the Green Lighting project was to develop a High Performance Integrated Lighting System, based on advanced technologies for day- and electric lighting, achieving a Lighting Power Density (LPD) that does not exceed 3 W/m2. The project has revealed that Anidolic Daylighting Systems (ADS) are an ideal basis for High Performance Integrated Lighting Systems. Not only are they able to provide adequate illumination (i.e. sufficiently high illuminances) in office rooms during large fractions of normal office hours, under various sky conditions and over the entire year, but they are also highly appreciated by office occupants at the condition that glare control mechanisms are available. Complementary electric lighting is, however, still necessary to back up the ADS at times when there is insufficient daylight flux available. It was shown during this project, that the most interesting trade-offs between energy-efficiency and visual comfort are obtained by using a combination of ceiling-mounted directly emitting luminaires with very high optical efficiencies for ambient lighting and portable desk lamps for temporary task lighting. The most appropriate lamps for the ceiling-mounted luminaires are currently highly efficient fluorescent tubes, but white LED tubes can be considered a realistic option for the future. The most suitable light sources for desk lamps for temporary task lighting are Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) and white LED light bulbs. Based on the above-mentioned technologies, a High Performance Integrated Lighting System with a very low LPD has been developed over the last three years. The system has been set up in an office room of the LESO solar experimental building located on the EPFL campus; it has been tested intensively during a Post-Occupancy Evaluation (POE) study involving twenty human subjects. This study has revealed that the subjects’ performance and subjective visual comfort was improved by the new system, compared to the usual lighting installation in this office. The High Performance Integrated Lighting System has an installed LPD of 4.3 W/m2 and an effective LPD of approximately 2 W/m2. In conclusion, the Green Lighting project successfully demonstrated that installed LPDs lower than 5 W/m2 and effective LPDs lower than 3 W/m2 can be achieved today if advanced daylighting systems and efficient electric lighting components are integrated in an appropriate way. White LED applications can already be used nowadays in such systems; their potential in a short term will moreover continue to grow. OLED applications might also offer interesting options for the future, but this will still take several years.
Marilyne Andersen, Jan Wienold, Caroline Karmann, Megan Nicole Danell, Clotilde Marie A Pierson